Fit and Eats

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top 5 healthy tips for the holiday season

So the Christmas season is in FULL effect! Meals out with friends, co-workers, family visits and gatherings here there and everywhere. As a stay at home mom I’m managing to combat most of this but there really are temptations EVERYWHERE!! Extra chocolate and candies at the grocery store, cute packaging luring you in to the chocolate shop you never usually entertain entering….have you guessed chocolate is my pitfall yet? And then there is the cheeky glass of wine because hey, its Christmas right? 

Thats all and well if you can handle it all in moderation….but what if you struggle with moderation? THATS OK don’t be hard on your self, it is only a short period of time. The key take home point is that you CAN have a treat, don’t punish yourself. I am a FULL believer of the 80/20 rule. 80 percent of the time eat healthy, exercise and look after your body. 20 percent of the time indulge in what you like, don’t think about exercise and have a break.

Top 5 Healthy Tips for surviving this holiday season

  1. Snack well - Pick a few go to snacks that you can keep on hand, easy to grab snacks can really save you. They will prevent a hunger crash by keeping your blood sugar stable therefore preventing the sudden splurge. My favourite snacks are low sugar protein bars, ready chopped vegetable sticks, nuts and sharp cheddar.
  2. Get enough sleep - As a mom this can be a challenge, your kids get sick, you're up late wrapping gifts or you just can turn off your brain at night. Sleep is VITAL for functioning at optimal level. When you don’t get enough sleep your body is working at a fight/flight level. This means your adrenal glands are in overdrive and your hormones end up on an emotional roller coaster…..leading to an eating roller coaster. Turn off all technology in the bedroom, use some relaxing essential oils like lavender, take a bath….whatever helps you wind down.
  3. Don’t starve yourself - When you know there is a party that night, make sure you eat a balanced breakfast and lunch (as you should be doing every day). If you are a calorie counter and want to ‘save’ up your points…..DON”T!! This will lead to bad decisions during the party. The best thing to do is focus on moderation at the party, eat what you want but have a SMALL quantity. Limiting yourself only leads to bad decisions.
  4. Be mindful - This is all about listening to your body and what it NEEDS not what your brain tells you it wants. Take time when you are eating, chew your food well and enjoy what you are eating. Now this is a big one, as parties are all about socializing and holding conversations. Just check in with your plate and your belly every now and then….do you really need to go back for seconds? Do you really need to order a dessert? If you want to enjoy a dinner out, utilize the ‘take-out’ bag.
  5. Limit alcohol - This is a tricky one, I know I enjoy a nice glass of wine. But one or two is enough. There is no need to go over board and finish the whole bottle. The easiest way to handle this is to be the designated driver. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE! Or you can dilute your wine with sparkling water so that it lasts longer. Same goes for any drink, have a larger glass with less alcohol and more ‘healthy’ mix.

Happy holidays mamas, enjoy this season with your family and friends. Tis the season to be jolly just don’t let your belly get roly-poly ;)